Class Verse

Psalm 51: 12
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

2nd Grade Class Picnic and Smokey the Bear!

It's picnic weather!!  Yum-Yum!
 We practiced shooting the fire ranger's water hose and lifting the 56lb pack, with 7 gallons of water.


 Smokey the Bear came for a visit!  He gave us high fives, hand shakes, hugs, and goodie bags.  He also took photos with the summer birthday bunch!

 Forest Fire fighting equipment. . . . . rake, bladder bag and hose.
Class picture with Smokey and Ranger Lynn!

 Thank you Ranger Shawn Lynn and Smokey the Bear for visiting with us and teaching us about Fire Safety!

Awards Assembly!

Congratulations to:
 These young ladies and gentlemen for completing Hymn of the Month for the year!
The entire lower elementary packed into the school library.
 Beautiful piano playing by one of our classmates.
 Bible Memory award winners!!  Congratulations to all SIX students from our class!

A student from Mrs. Keller's Kindergarten class said the most verses out of all the lower elementary classes.  Nearly 200!  
 Perfect Attendance Award:  Way to go!  What an achievement!
 Bible Memory Award winners for grades K-2, all classes.
Great job everybody!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

2nd Grade Service Project: Menno Haven

I was so proud of the class. . . today they stepped out in serving and loving others.  They sang beautifully three of their six spring concert songs and read to residence of Menno Haven Retirement Community.  It was a new experience for many of the children.  They read loudly, sang sweetly and talked kindly with strangers who treated them like grandchildren and enjoyed their childlike faith and character.  What a rewarding day for ALL!!

Great job, boys and girls!  You've made Mrs. Lehman very proud.