Class Verse

Psalm 51: 12
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Cornbread and Christmas Concert!

With the study of American Indians and liquid measurement in math, 2nd grade had the enjoyment of measuring, baking and tasting Cornbread.
(Well, we used a bread machine.  But we did measure the ingredients and watched it mix and smelled it baking.)

Once again the Lower Elementary WOWed me with their singing and musical talents!  Mrs. Kniss should be awarded some amazing award for what she draws out in k-2 students.  She is phenomenal!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Native American Homes Project

The creativity among 2nd graders:
These homes are remarkable!
Can you tell which are from the Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, Southeast or Plains?
Which ones are wigwams, long wooden houses, tee-pees, pueblos, or chickees?

(This one is a wigwam from the Northeast.)

(A tee-pee from the Plains region.)

(A wigwam, Northeast)

(Wigwam, Northeast)

(The two above are adobe Pueblos from the Southwest.)


(The Plains Indians lived in Tee-pees.)

(The five above are all . . . .you guessed it!  Tee-pees!)

(The Indians of the Northwest lived in wooden long houses with totem poles.)

(Three above are also Tee-pees. . . our favorite!  We need to visit the Plains of the mid-west this summer. . . Sounds like a great summer vacation trip Mom and Dad!)