Class Verse

Psalm 51: 12
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Pencil box Beetles. . . and Jesus' Sacrificial Love

Our class is enjoying the "bug" weather which comes with spring. . .  Several students have created homemade pencil box terrariums for their beetle friends.  I would introduce them to you, but I'm not sure of all the names?!?!?  Can you find our tiny friends?

 And this would be fruitbreak. . . . one of the TWO times Mrs. Lehman allows for bug friends to be enjoyed during the day.
 In Bible, we are reading Scripture and learning stories that portray God's great love for us.   
Here are some of the students' "God's Love is. . . . " booklet pages.
 I have terrific artists in this class!!  Don't you think?
 A local orthodontist is conducting a K-2nd grade coloring contest.  The first place prize is $25!!  This is a great incentive for bringing out the artist in ALL of us.
 While writing and illustrating our "Love is. . . " Booklets, we listened to Adventures in Odyssey's: The Imagination Station.  In it, Digger Digwillow travels back to the time of Jesus and witnesses his love, sacrifice, death and resurrection first hand.  The class listened intently as they traveled with Digger, using their own "imaginations"!
 Some of the story was sad. . .
 and quite serious, for my usually silly bunch.
But they had lots of thinking and concentrating to do!
Thanks for checking in on us!  
Have a GREAT weekend!

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